Here's a few lists of educational interesting Books, Podcasts, You-Tubes, and Web pages.
We're always looking for new ones, so please let us know if you enjoy any different ones and we'll share them here.
Books for Kids
Various Authors
"Everything You Need to Know About Bugs" by Smithsonian
"Flight of the Honey Bee" by Raymond Huber
"Are You A Bee?" by Judy Allen
"The Bee Man" by Laurie Krebs
Rewild Your Garden
Frances Tophill
Learn to create a haven for birds, bees and butterflies
Nature's Best Hope
Douglas W. Tallamy
Professor and Chair of the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware
Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities.
A new look at conservation that starts in your own backyard
Endless Forms: The Secret World of Wasps
Seirian Sumner
Dig deep into the fascinating world of wasps and their essential role in our ecosystem
The Nature of Oaks
Douglas W. Tallamy
This book reveals what is going on in oak trees month by month, highlighting the seasonal cycles of life, death, and renewal. Mr. Tallamy celebrates the wonders that occur right in our own backyards and shares practical advice about how to plant and care for an oak specific for your area.
Pollinators of Native Plants
Heather Holm
Pollinator conservationist and award winning author, Ms. Holm teaches you how to Attract, Observe and Identify Pollinators and Beneficial Insects with Native Plants
Bringing Nature Home
Douglas W. Tallamy
How to sustain wildlife with native plants
Let's Argue About Plants
Listen to this podcast by Fine Gardening Magazine to find trees, shrubs, perennials, and even some bulbs to plant if you’re interested in turning your garden into an insect party buzzing with activity!
Bug Banter by Xerces Society
Fascinating dive into the mysteries of native insects and other invertebrates in North America
All the Dirt Podcast
Steve Wood and Deryn Thorpe talk about gardening, sustainability, food and organics
Growing Joy with Plants - Wellness
Learn to care for plants, engage with nature and use them to experience calm and happiness with host Maria Failla, known as the Happy Plant Lady
Joe the Gardener Show with Joe Lamp'l
National gardening TV host, you-tube host and podcast devoted to all things gardening. Many podcasts dig deep into the science of gardening as Joe interviews specialists across the nation.
Simple Garden Life
Dedicated to keeping the art of gardening simple, fun and always rewarding, hosts Jim & Mary Pompetti are co-owners of the popular blog 'old world garden'. straightforward advice on growing everything from veggies, perennials to annuals & more.
Green Acres Nursery & Garden Center Podcast
Podcast with Kevin & Austin from Green Acres Nursery for newbies and seasoned gardeners alike. If you have 15 minutes to listen, check this one out!
Native Plants Information
Cultivate the fertile ground between Horticulture and Conservation, with an emphasis on practical methods. Located in northern Illinois, zone 5b, but the underlying principles are more universal.
Because it’s all about the plants! Hosted by Ken Williams Kenzhort
All About Ground Nesting Bees
Education on the biology and ecology of native bees
70% of the world’s 20,000 bee species actually live largely solitary lives and lay eggs in underground nests
SacValley California Native Plant Society
Nursery & demonstration gardens in Rancho Cordova; promoting awareness & benefits of native plant habitats, community involvement & source of local native plants.
Website has pdf's such as seed propagation, irrigating with gray water, etc.
All About Pollinators
Learn all about pollinators and what, where and how we can protect and bring them to our gardens.
Pollinators provide pollination services to over 180,000 different plant species and more than 1200 crops. That means that 1 out of every three bites of food you eat is there because of pollinators [
Bring Back the Pollinators
Each of us can adopt 4 simple steps:
*Grow pollinator - friendly flowers/annuals
*Provide nesting sites
*Avoid Pesticides
*Spread the Word!