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Blue Star Markers

Stockton Garden Club has purchased and placed

3 Blue Star Memorial Markers in Stockton:

Haggin Museum, Victory Park 1201 N Pershing Ave

Tuxedo Ave, at Pacific Avenue by water fountain

Easter Seal Therapeutic Center, Bianchi & Claremont

blue star marker in planter at Haggin Museum


​​The Blue Star Program honors all men and women who serve or have served in the United States Armed Services. This program began with the planting of 8,000 Dogwood trees by the New Jersey Council of Garden Clubs in 1944 as a living memorial to veterans of World War II. In 1945, the National Council of State Garden Clubs (now NGC, Inc.) adopted this program and began a Blue Star Highway system that covers thousands of miles across the Continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. Blue Star Memorial Highway Markers were placed along the way. The Blue Star was adopted because it had become an icon in World War II and was seen on flags and banners in homes for sons and daughters away at war as well as in churches and businesses.  Over the years as highway developments have increased in breadth and scope, placements of the memorial markers became difficult.  Guidelines have been revised to include approved placement of the markers at veterans’ facilities, national cemeteries, parks, and other civic locations.


In summary, the 2-fold purpose of the Blue Star Memorial Marker program is:

(1)  to offer fitting tributes across the land to the Armed Forces of the United States and their families;

 (2) for garden clubs to utilize their horticulture knowledge and landscape design skills to beautify with attractive “living memorial” planting material the designated highways, veterans’ facilities, national cemeteries, parks, and other civic locations upon which the Blue Star Memorials Markers are erected and dedicated.

History and detailed information can be found on the National Garden Club's website:

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