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We love to explore, learn and share.  One way is coordinating a field trip with both members and non-members.  Keep watch on our calendar for future Field Trips to enjoy nature in our area.

Sunset brought in hundreds of Sandhill Cranes
to roost in shallow water for the night

We learned that these 3-4' tall Gray Sandhill Cranes with wingspans of 5-6' are migrating from the north of Canada to warmer wintering areas in southwestern US and Mexico, stopping at various preserves to feed and gain strength from sometimes flying 400 miles in one day during migration.  These cranes are the oldest living birds on the planet and can live up to 20-30 years.  They mate for life and are social birds; migrating and roosting in groups to protect against predator attacks.

Habitat loss, wetland loss and developments are threats to Sandhill Cranes and we're so grateful for the preserves set aside in our area.  Many agencies work together to flood wetlands in succession so there is always an abundance of food sources and roosting sites available to them.  

Their calls are very distinctive   It's a rattling sound "kar-r-r-r-o-o-o" sound.  Click on button below to hear their call.

Woman birdwatching with binoculars

Sandhill Crane
Field Trip 
Was Amazing!

On Saturday, November 25th a group of 9 members went on a Guided tour of the Sandhill Cranes at Cosumnes River Preserve from 3:15-5:30.  This tour began at the visitor's center then took an ADA wooden path to where the cranes would roost that night. 

If you were unable to attend, you can still see them until February at:

Cosumnes River Preserve, 13501 Franklin Blvd, Galt CA 95632 - East of I-5

Statten Island Wildlife Refuge, 23532 N. Staten Island Rd, Thornton 95686 - West of I-5

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